Recruitment of a consultant/specialist for the training “Monitoring and Evaluation”

That will allow to work efficiently with state structures, institutions and municipalities, international organizations, commercial and non-commercial organizations, which are involved in the response to HIV in Moldova.

"League of People Living with HIV / AIDS from Moldova" aims to strengthen capacities of monitoring and evaluation of data in a 3-day training course entitled "Monitoring and Evaluation".


For that purpose is launched a contest for the recruitment of a consultant from this domain.


Commercial offer must be formulated in Romanian or Russian and must contain the following items:

  • CV of the trainer
  • Address and contacts
  • Experience in the given area
  • Recommendations from organizations that have received similar services are welcome
  • Attach an agenda proposed for training
  • Cost of services.


You are welcome to send the offers to the following address:


Tel:(+373)22 54 88 38

Fax: (+373)22 276107

League address: 23B Ismail str., Chisinau

Contact person: Diana Mihuta – 079117710


The deadline for submission is November 27, 2011


Pentru detalii şi termeni de referinţă accesaţi: