Training course in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of National AIDS Programmes

he aim of this course is to provide participants with practicalguidance on how to develop a national system of monitoring and evaluation of HIV programmes. The module is structured around several key themes - basic concepts of an M&E system and its components, measuring process and outputs, evaluation of outcomes and impact, key steps in developing an M&E plan and setting up a national M&E system; and challenges to conducting outcome and impact evaluation.

The course will provide an overview of M&E methods and approaches andinclude recommended key indicators and data collection methods. A goodM&E system provides the strategic information needed to improve programme performance and formulate HIV policies.  During the last few years, one agreed M&E framework has been commonly used, and that is the input-activity-output-outcomes-impact framework.

We kindly ask you to use the online registration form available at:

The course is going to be held at the WHO Collaborating Centre for HIV Surveillance at the Andrija Stampar School of Public Health, Rockefeller street 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia.

Please find attached the programme and description of the mentioned course.

The course fee is 750 EUR per participant.

The fee includes a tuition, a comprehensive set of course materials andlunches and coffee breaks during the course.

Programme and description of the course

For more info vizit: