Între timp, unul din aplicații regionali (Regional Coordinating Mechanism/RCM) a publicat anunțul privind selectarea eventuală a Subrecipienților (SR) naționali din șapte țări ale ESE, inclusiv Moldova. Detalii privind cerințele de aplicare si termenele limita pot fi găsite mai jos.
Reamintim că, la ședința sa din 12 aprilie a.c., CNC TB/SIDA a susținut depunerea a 7 cereri de finanțare regională cu eventuală implicare a ONG-urilor și instituțiilor active în controlul TB și HIV din Moldova (IFP, UORN, Liga PTHS, Centrul PAS, Inițiativa Pozitivă, AFI si IDOM) precum și interesul AO AFI de a aplica în calitate de SR pentru grantul depus de RCM și a fi implementat, dacă este aprobat de FG, de către Health Education and Research Association (HERA) din Macedonia.
Public call for selection of Main National Secondary Recipients for HIV multi country proposal of the Southeastern Europe Regional Coordination Mechanism
The Southeastern Europe Regional Coordination Mechanism have submitted a Global Fund HIV multicounty application in April 2018 and expect its results until end of July 2018. In the meantime main national secondary recipients should be selected from total 9 countries in Southeastern Europe just seven countries main secondary recipients will be selected as per regulations by Global Fund multi country application respecting eligibility policy of 51% eligibility rule. The proposed activities will be implemented in seven countries in the Southeastern region - in four countries with eligibility for Global Fund funding Kosovo*, Serbia, Montenegro and Moldova, while remaining three out of five countries will be selected from Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania and Albania, which are no longer eligible for Global Fund funding http://www.eecaconstituency.org/public-call-for-sr-rcm.
Below is the summary of main regional programme structure and main requirements for candidates to apply as Main National Secondary Recipients Primary of the HIV multicounty proposal:
Regional Programme structure
1. SEE Regional Coordinating Mechanism
Southeastern Europe Regional Coordinating Mechanism will provide an oversight of the implementation of the HIV regional grant of the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria in accordance with the established regional objectives, activities and indicators. Regional Coordinating Mechanisms (RCM) is central to the Global Fund's commitment to regional ownership and participatory decision-making. The regional partnerships among different stakeholders from the region, as RCM members develop and submit grant proposals to the Global Fund based on priority needs at the regional level. After grant approval, RCM will oversee progress in the grant implementation. The RCM is in charge for selection of the Principal Recipient and Main National Sub- recipients.
2. The Principal Recipient (PR)
Responsibility for executing the implementation of the grant lies with the Principal Recipient (PR) that signed the grant with the Global Fund. The PR partners with SRs and SSRs, providing them with funding and/or in-kind support to implement some of the programme activities, subject to the SRs/SSRs fulfilling the requirements outlined in the relevant Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
3. Main national Secondary recipients (SR)
After selection by the RCM and signing the contract with the PR, main national SRs will play a pivotal role in the implementation of programme activities and the management of grant resources in their respective countries and in implementation of the joint activities of the regional programme. As sub-contracted entitiesthey are criticalfor the timely management and achievement of grant results.
The RCM is the entity in charged for selection of the main national Sub-recipients. Main national SRs are further in charge for selection of the sub-sub-recipients on the needs basis. Sub-recipients are reporting directly to the PR for execution of the programme.
Minimum Standards for Main National Sub-recipients and Programme Delivery from the Global Fund:
1. The Main National Sub-recipient (SR) demonstrates effective management structures and planning at country levels, as applicable.
2. The SR has the capacity and systems for effective programmatic management and oversight of sub-sub-recipients at country levels, as applicable.
3. The internal control system of the SR is effective to prevent and detect misuse or fraud.
4. The financial management system of the SR is effective and accurate.
5. Data-collection capacity and tools are in place to monitor programmatic and financial performance.
6. A functional routine reporting system with reasonable coverage is in place to report country financial and programmatic performance timely and accurately.
7. In past three years (2015-2016-2017) SR’s annual budget and funds flow were between 85.000 - 100.000 Euro (one hundred thousand Euro), and one signed contract of minimum 100.000 Euros in three years.
8. SR must present positive audits opinions of programme and organization’s audit in past three years (2015-2016-2017), if audits were conducted.
9. SR must provide documentation that proves that there are no any ongoing legal cases against the SR organization and its authorized legal representative.
10. SR must provide documentation that proves that the SR doesn’t have any debts to the state tax authorities.
Specific requirements for Secondary Recipients:
1. Civil society organization working in one or more countries in South East Europe with minimally ten years’ of experience in implementation of HIV related activities for key population/s.
2. Civil society organization with knowledge, experience and proven track record in strengthening the key population/s.
3. Civil society organization with strong record of working with the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, in role of SR.
4. Civil society organization with strong record of working with other international donors.
Main National SR responsibilities:
- Timely implement the relevant program components as defined in the agreement signed with the PR;
- Maintain their accounting books and records in accordance with standards agreed in writing with the PR;
- Submit reports on a timely basis outlining activity delivery progress and financial expenditures tied to each activity delivery area, on a quarterly and annual basis;
- Use funds in accordance with the agreement with the PR and in accordance with the approved budget;
- Implement programs funded under the regional grant;
- Maintain sound M & E and financial systems;
- Support and monitor SSRs (if and when applicable) and ensure funds are used in accordance with the standard terms and conditions of the agreement for the grant;
- Conduct on site data verification at SSR level on bi-monthly basis;
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of the activities under their programs;
- Ensure compliance with the grant agreement, and
- Secure grant assets.
Documents that should be submitted by applicants:
1. Organization history particularly activities and results accomplished in HIV field, experience in Global Fund work SR organization structure and systems in place for effective programmatic management and oversight of sub-recipients on regional or country level; Explanation of applicant internal control system in detecting misuse or fraud; Description of the applicant financial management system and monitoring system; Describe experience working with vulnerable groups expressed in number of implemented projects with national impact and the total allocated budget for support to the vulnerable populations; Submit proven track record in strengthening the key population/s; Submit record of working with other international donors; Describe applicant experience in advocacy expressed in number of initiatives to change the legislation, submitted to the Parliament, or to the Government, or implemented by the CSO and proven capacity of public mobilization in favor of reforming public policies (campaigns and initiatives); Services developed and subsequently taken over by the state institutions.
2. Provide applicant organization year budget and maximum managed funds per project.
3. Provide positive audits opinions of program and organization’s audit in past three years (2014-2015-2016).
4. Provide legal document that the applicant don’t have any prohibition of performing a profession, activity or duty as a legal entity.
5. Provide legal document that the applicant doesn’t have any debts to the state tax authorities.
6. Provide programmatic project proposal and please develop detailed excel budget attached form with your proposal of national advocacy activities and costs related according main activities of the Southeastern Europe HIV multi country application.
How to apply:
Please submit all documents requested on line on the following e-mail address: prselection2018@gmail.com
and please submit original documents at the CCM Macedonia Secretariat, address: Franklin Ruzvelt 51a/26, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia no later than 20th July 2018, 18 o’clock CET time. The original documents can be send with post stamp with stamp dated no later than 20th July 2018.
Material realizat pentru publicare de Violeta Teutu